
Support for proactive investment in our aging Public Works and Beaches Energy infrastructure.

Jacksonville Beach has been a good steward of eliminating budget deficits in the past which is very commendable.  Sometimes however, this can lead to unseen circumstances such as failing infrastructure through delayed or ignored maintenance or replacement.

A great recent example is the failed sanitary sewer line passing under the intersection of 22nd Street N and 9th Avenue N.  This line was first laid in apx 1981 and was of inferior plastic material.  The expected life expectancy of such a line is apx 30-40 years which would reasonably therefore be replaced no later 2021.  The work estimate to repair this acute failure, which Council approved on May 20, exceeds $1 million.

I believe more proactive identification and reinforcement or replacement of such infrastructure is generally less expensive than having to address an acute failure.  Our public works department does an outstanding job given that in many areas they are dealing with an infrastructure that has long outlived its life expectancy.

Proactive identification of impending issues should be a public works priority and we must spend the necessary funds to upgrade our older Jax Beach infrastructure.