Community Schools

Advocacy against closing high-performing neighborhood schools in Jacksonville Beach.

The recent consultant study that Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) had conducted calls for a number of school closures and consolidations throughout Duval County. I will say first, after speaking with DCPS officials, that the study did not take into consideration several very relevant factors. Additionally, this study should have been used as a tool internally at DCPS to analyze its findings and then combined with factors such as community input, school grades, neighborhood legacy, etc., to then formulate a suggested plan for moving forward. As I mentioned on May 21, the study is obviously focused on efficiency versus effectiveness, which is not what our children need or deserve. Thank you so much to those concerned parents and teachers of all of our beaches’ elementary schools, and thank you for showing up and speaking along with me at the May 21 DCPS Community Meeting at Fletcher High School.

I was proud to vote in favor of passing Resolution 2172-2024 requesting the Duval County School Board take action to ensure that Seabreeze Elementary and San Pablo Elementary continue to operate as Jax Beach’s elementary schools and not be subject to closure. I stand with you strongly that none of our great beaches’ elementary schools should be closed or consolidated. All are high-performing neighborhood schools with solid enrollment.

At the root of DCPS being in this situation is the state legislation regarding charter schools and school vouchers. I’m in favor of school choice, but not at the expense of sacrificing our high-performing neighborhood legacy schools. State legislation must be modified to address this unfortunate, and I believe unintended, consequence.